How does Benzac work?
No one wants it. But acne isn’t caused by something you have or haven’t done. We think it’s time to stop feeling bad, and start hitting back.
Bacteria causes acne. To fight it, you’ll need a special weapon: that’s where Benzac can help.
“I’ve been using the 5% treatment for over 9 months and I couldn't be happier with how clear my skin looks. Look, my acne is gone!”
"I’ve been using your product for about 2 months now and it has completely changed my skin my skin is still not perfect but compared to what it was it is amazing thank you so much"
Acne Advice

Should I Exfoliate if I Have Acne?
Exfoliating is an important part of your acne-fighting skincare routine. But are you doing it properly – or too often? Get all the facts about exfoliation here.

Acne and Pimples: Spot the Difference
Are acne and pimples the same thing? Learn the differences between acne and pimples and how Benzac can help you get the right spot treatment.

10 Facts You Need to Know About Acne
Struggling with acne? It’s more common than you might think. Here are 10 facts about acne causes, prevention and treatment that you should know.